
One Word, Two Ways

Today we are bringing back our One Word, Two Ways series courtesy of sister’s Katy Wright-Mead and Sarah Mead. Over the years we have received a lot of comments from friends and readers who say they would like to do a post with their own sister. We have always loved that idea!  So without further adieu, thank you to Katy and Sarah for today’s post!!

From Katy to Sarah: 

As you know, I like giving direction. Remember when we were little and I used to make us put on plays for the family? I would decide which nursery rhyme we would act out and who played what. You were the youngest and would play the baby goat or a star in the sky or something that required the least amount of lines and the most amount of cute. Was it fun for you, by the way? I don’t think I ever asked that. I was a passionate little director and then became more of a follower later in life. Maybe those tough teenage years beat the leader out of me. If only Tina Fey had written Bossy Pants a decade earlier, am I right? Anyway, as you also know, I started directing recently, and it feels really scary (as you can see on my face in the pictures!) but really, really right. I love taking the story that’s playing in my mind and articulating those pictures and feelings to actors and designers in my specific and truthful way, so that they see it and feel it too and become inspired to re-articulate it in their own specific and truthful way. It’s a game of trust and respect and it makes me feel like a kid again and also more grown up than ever.

From Sarah To Katy:

I loved all your plays when I was young and being a part of them was the best! I think you have such great direction.
Oh, the Places You’ll Go!
“You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself any direction you choose.
And you know what you know.
And YOU are the one who’ll decide
-Dr. Seuss


lauren1 photo
tie dye sky,

do you remember why
we sought advise from you,
asked you what we oughta do

and walked away ok
fresh outlook on the day
whatever come our way

your every shade of blue
reflecting in our eyes
connecting me to you

forever and a day, will never go away

farrell IMG_3625

Become the sky. Take an axe to the prison wall. Escape. ~Rumi

…rush out in the rain to be soaked with the sky. ~Rumi

Only from the heart can you touch the sky. ~Rumi


sfgfd lauren1


(image via here)

I took ballet for a long time when I was young. I remember the feel of point shoes on my feet, the strength and wear needed to make them arch and the extra height they give.  It always amazed me that actual ballerinas would wear fully through a pair of point shoes in one evening’s performance.  This video goes into the custom making of point shoes for professional dancers.  Soft pink statin elongating perfectly toned legs of a ballerina simply creates such an stunning and elegant visual.

New York City Ballet “Pointe Shoes” from Galen Summer on Vimeo.



(Image found here)

Every summer when I was little, we went to America’s best rollercoaster theme park, Cedar Point. Since this week has felt so much like the summers in the Mid-West, I have been thinking about sweet, sweet Cedar Point. Just look at that image. Rollercoaster’s on the water?! Heck yeah!






(image via here)

I’m not a regular listener of Radiolab but I do tune in from time to time – and I have to give it to them, the information that is presented usually ranges from interesting to mind blowing.  Yesterday I listened to the recent episode Placebo and found it fascinating.  A lot of the new research on the placebo effect relates back this post (i.e. you are what you think) I wrote last week.  In one part of the episode they talk about how a mother kissing a child’s boo boo to “make it all better” is actually a type of placebo.  I’d highly recommend the episode.  It still has me thinking!


I forgot how awesome my friends are. Every time we hang out, there is a lot of music that is played. These songs have stuck with me since this past weekend and I just can’t quit them.

The Weeknd – The Morning (H5C’s Official HD Music Video) – YouTube from Cheif Sosa on Vimeo.





I got home from work on Thursday night feeling unmotivated to go to yoga and wanting to indulge in something.  I thought about going to get my nails done but didn’t really want to spend the money.  I thought about going out to eat or drink but I had plans later in the evening so that didn’t make much sense.  And then I remembered the New Museum’s Pay-What-You-Wish night, which happens every Thursday from 7-9p.m.  I used to take advantage of Thursday’s at the New Museum, which is only a few minutes from my apartment, much more often.  It had been a long time since I was there.  When I stumbled into this interactive exhibit, Paweł Althamer: The Neighbors, 2014, I was thrilled!  Art supplies and smocks were available for the taking; musicians played at the front of the room and everyone was busy contributing to the art, snapping photos, filming video and taking it all in.  It was by far one of the most energizing experiences I’ve stumbled upon in months.  I could have stayed for hours.






I live with an artist. In fact, painting is Albert’s first love. Recently, we went to the children’s play room at LACMA. Albert picked up his little paint brush and whipped out these two images:

photo 2 (9)

photo 3 (5)

And there I was dumbfounded. This is what I came up with:

photo 1 (10)

Hilariously enough, I think they represent us both pretty well. What can I say, I like flowers.


farrellI know this is probably a funny thing to post on a blog, however, lately  I have been stressed about communicating through technology. During the week, I feel like I am constantly on screens. There are times when I have at least 15 people I have been texting with throughout the day. I am delighted to be connected to all of the people I love, though these conversations do not fulfill me nearly as much as real human interaction.

I am certainly guilty of avoiding real conversation and using a text or chat when, in reality, the person deserves at least a phone call from me. We all do. We communicate more and more with each other, but in the end it makes you feel really lonely.

As I have said before, the weekends have been a test for me to take a break from all of my screens and live in real life. So far my research has shown that it is nearly impossible for me to do.


Have you listened to Beck’s new album, Morning Phase?  If not, it’s really good and I’d recommend you go ahead and give it a full listen.  This song, “Blue Moon,” seems to be the one that’s getting most heavily promoted off the bat.  Perhaps it is because of the universality of its opening lyric, “I’m so tired of being alone.”  Perhaps not.  Either way, you can’t really deny the power of belting out those words.  Hell, Al Green’s masterpiece by that title never ceases to provide the sounds for a good ol’ self-pity session while simultaneously putting a little pep in your step.  Of course there is a difference between being alone and being lonely.  Many, many wonderful things can arise out of the time one spends alone.  So for those of you thinking to yourself, man, what I wouldn’t do for a little alone time, I wish you some personal space.  And for those of you whose alone-ness is creeping towards lonely, I wish you peace, patience and a proactive spirit.  As they say, we’re all in this together!




(via Flickr)

break in character
break in time
clicking, clocking
wasted mind

bluest movies
trips unknown
other lifetimes
supine mine

empty spaces
shattered thoughts
silent measures
twisted clocks

krista tippit
dorothy day
swinging sweetly
artistic play

revisions, edits
altar alters




I need a break from screens. Send me your favorite book recommendations!

Lately I have been flying through books. As you may know, I read in spurts. When those spurts hit, I feel ravenous to dive into one book after another. I just re-read Clean Gut (since I am on day 8) and finished Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown. Both were very informative and reflective, but I want a story. A story that I feel lost in.