If You’re a Bird

every so often I revisit this Andrew Bird album. there is a lot of music I once loved but don’t like to listen to very often anymore because it pulls me too far into the past. I love this body of music by Bird so much I keep bringing it back; and now it is a part of so many times. including today.  back in New York riding on the train.



I’m a Bird


Before the power goes out, find the house. There’s something there inside that will be useful to you in the dawn.

Don’t let yourself continue to sleep so long; repeat the lyrics to your favorite song. Prepare for flight (an obvious rhyme about casting light). Prepare for snow, you’re always cold. Where to go and how and why. How those birds flap freely in the sky! Untethered ends

Decorum serves order, simply sung. Don’t you know you’re not the only one? Whistling wands create the sun. Slow it down. The final plucks.

First voice heard. humming sweetly starting over | second city of light.

Spring will come, ray by ray. Bask in brightness, beat your drum. Summer clouds turn into storms. Bird songs dizzy winding down.

[Repost from Dec ’13}

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