Nils Frahm

When I was little, my parents had a friend named Alan who could play the piano exceptionally well. Whenever Alan would come over, we would beg him to play the piano and he would always agree. I remember specifically a night around dinnertime, Alan was over, and our power went out.  We all went into the living room and he played the piano, in the dark, for what felt like the entire night. Ever since then I have been fascinated with the way the piano sounds. It’s beautiful and there is nothing more remarkable than watching someone play.

Nils Frahm photo via Erased Tapes

I wanted to share the video below of German composter, Nils Frahm, playing the piano. It is pretty epic. I can only imagine what it felt like to be in that room with him while he played.

Click on the image to watch the video.

You can learn more about Nils Frahm and listen to more his music here.  It’s so worth it!

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