Life-Like Movies

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I have always loved a good documentary. They can be so captivating, raw and emotional. Because documentaries are real, I find that you connect to the stories much faster than fictional movies. No matter what the subject matter, it is easier to fall into the story. Below are a couple of documentaries I’ve watched lately that I can’t stop thinking about.


Senna is the story of Brazilian Formula-One racer Alyton Senna’s rise to win three world championships. You can watch it instantly on Netflix. It is truly amazing. This movie is powerful and sincere. I loved it so much.

Unfinished Spaces

“Cuba’s ambitious National Art Schools project, designed by three young artists in the wake of Castro’s Revolution, is neglected, nearly forgotten, then ultimately rediscovered as a visionary architectural masterpiece.”  (Unfinished Spaces official site)  It is captivating and visually stimulating. You can watch the trailer here.  It should be available on Netflix soon.

Exit Through the Gift Shop

This is the story of how an eccentric French shop keeper and amateur film maker attempt to locate, and befriend, famous graffiti artist Banksy (IMDB). This documentary takes some unexpected turns, but keeps you itching to know what will happen next. You can watch it instantly on Netflix.


Beats Rhymes & Life: The Travels of a Tribe Called Quest

This documentary takes you through the making and the breaking of one of the most influential groups in hip hop, while reminding you of all its amazing music. Even if you don’t know much about a Tribe Called Quest going into the movie, you’ll leave a fan. You can have it shipped through Netflix.


What are you favorite documentaries? I would love to know!

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